I made this little art display piece for my son. VERY EASY VERY CHEAP! I have made a similar one for my daughter and he wanted one too (these are her drawings). Anyway I had this old frame sitting in my garage for a few years. My parents gave it to me and I haven't done anything with it yet. I decided to take wire for hanging pictures and run those across a few times so we can hang the kid's art on them with clothespins. The tools I used are in the picture below.
I just got a wall hanging kit and used the extra wire it came with to string across the frame. I painted the frame red to go with my son's room. Then I used tiny clothespins I got from Hobby Lobby to hang their drawings (I will paint the clothespins red too eventually).
it would be cute to mod podge cute scrap book paper to the front of the clothespins too.